1 9fhuu
((TETRAHEDRITE)), $1 MINIMUM BID, San Francisco Mine, Morococha,
Peru, 10 x 7 x 3 cm, Cabinet, Older specimen with crystals of
Tetrahedrite from Peru. In the late ninety's alot of Tetrahedrite
specimens came out of the Casapalca Mine. This is from another
Peruvian location. ex University of Utah Dept of Geol and
Baxter Springs, Kansas, 9.5 x
8 x 7 cm, Cabinet, Large Sphalerite specimen from the Tri State
Zinc Lead District. ex University of Utah Dept of Geol and Geophys.
3 9fhuu ((HEMATITE)), $1 MINIMUM BID,
Cerro Bolivar, Venezuela, 8 x
7 x 6 cm, Cabinet, Cabinet sized reference specimen of Hematite
from Venezuela. Not many specimens from Venezuela other than excellent
Gold such as our energizer bunny logo, ex University of Utah Dept of
Geol and Geophys. |
4 9fhuu ((SPHALERITE,
An Luis Potosi, Mexico, 7.5 x
6 x 2.5 cm, Cabinet, Locality specimen from Mexico with
Sphalerite crystals covered with small Chalcopyrite crystals. ex
University of Utah Dept of Geol and Geophys. |
9ecmsis ((RHODOCHROSITE, PYRITE)), $35 MINIMUM BID, Wudong Mine, Liubao, Wushou Prefecture, Guangxi Zhuang A R, China,
5 x
3 x 2 cm, Miniature, A new large lot of fine Chinese
Rhodochrosite was found prior to Tucson this year. These are
similar but still a totally different type of specimen than the
Colorado Sweet home Rhodochrosites. Fortunately a much less
price than the Colorado Rhodochrosite. These are very hard to tell
a natural face from a cleaved face but this appears to be a natural
rhomb perched on uncrystallized sculptural light pink Manganoan Calcite. |
Wudong Mine, Liubao, Wushou Prefecture, Guangxi Zhuang A R, China,
5 x
3.5 x 2.5 cm, Miniature, A new large lot of fine Chinese
Rhodochrosite was found prior to Tucson this year. These are
similar but still a totally different type of specimen than the
Colorado Sweet home Rhodochrosites. Fortunately a much less
price than the Colorado Rhodochrosite. These are very hard to tell
a natural face from a cleaved face but these all appear to be natural
rhombs without any cleaved faces.
9ecmsnt ((RHODOCHROSITE, PYRITE)), $65 MINIMUM BID, Wudong Mine, Liubao, Wushou Prefecture, Guangxi Zhuang A R, China,
6.5 x
5 x 5 cm, Cabinet, A new large lot of fine Chinese
Rhodochrosite was found prior to Tucson this year. These are
similar but still a totally different type of specimen than the
Colorado Sweet home Rhodochrosites. Fortunately a much less
price than the Colorado Rhodochrosite. These are very hard to tell
a natural face from a cleaved face. This one has a nice
combination of Pyrite and Rhodochrosite
9ecmsnt ((RHODOCHROSITE, PYRITE)), $325 MINIMUM BID, Wudong Mine, Liubao, Wushou Prefecture, Guangxi Zhuang A R, China,
10.5 x
6.5 x 5 cm, Larger Cabinet, A new large lot of fine Chinese
Rhodochrosite was found prior to Tucson this year. These are
similar but still a totally different type of specimen than the
Colorado Sweet home Rhodochrosites. Fortunately a much less
price than the Colorado Rhodochrosite. These are very hard to tell
a natural face from a cleaved face. This one has associated Pyrite
and Fluorite. It is alot of Rhodo. The one side face is sawn but
in not very noticeable as a sawn side. Retail asking price when I
purchased this was $900. This was the largest and most expensive
specimen I picked from the lot that I high graded.
9 7hlkmr ((FOSSIL
St Claire, Pennsylvania, 14.5 x
8.5 x 1.5 cm, Cabinet, Front side has two main ferns and the
back has some limbs/trunks. |
9atmrlt ((SILVER and COPPER)), $65 MINIMUM BID,
C & H Conglomerate Mine, Keweenaw Peninsula, Houghton County, Michigan,
5.8 x
2 x 1.8 cm, Miniature, Lots on Silver on this Silver Copper
9fbjslr ((ROSELITE)), $50 MINIMUM BID, Aghbar,
Bou Azzer, Morocco, 2.5 x
2 x 1 cm, Thumbnail, I got this in trade at the Butte show a
few years ago. Originally it was purchased many years ago from
Trinity Minerals for $125. It is a thumbnail sized plate of fine
lustrous large Roselite crystals

12 ari ((PHOSPHATE
pseudomorph after WAVELLITE)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Mauldin
Mountain, Arkansas, 2 x
1 x 1 cm, Thumbnail, Interesting pseudomorph from Arkansas. |
13 misc ((CUPRIAN
ADAMITE)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Ojuela Mine, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico,
2.5 x
2.5 x 1.5 cm, Thumbnail, Lustrous Green Adamite crystal
perched on matrix. |
14 5atdbns ((SILVER)), $30 MINIMUM BID,
Bulldog Mine, Creede, Mineral County, Colorado, 3 x
2 x 2 cm, Miniature, I miniature Bulldog Silver specimen.
Wire Silvers all over the specimen.
15 5miscl ((SILVER
spinel twin)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Keweenaw Peninsula, Michigan,
cm in length, Thumbnail, When I bought this it was not labeled but I
seen the same distinctive style of specimen in a display case at the
Pasadena Show one year and it was labeled Keweenaw Peninsula, Michigan.
16 8hljdne ((OPAL
variety FIORTE)), $25 MINIMUM BID, Mt Amito, Italy,
5.8 x 1.5 x 1
cm, Miniature, Neat Opal variety from Italy.

17 5atdbts ((SMOKY
QUARTZ)), $50 MINIMUM BID, Crystal Peak area, Park/Teller
Counties, Colorado, 16 x
4.5 x 4.5 cm, Cabinet, Huge Smoky over 6 inches tall.
Undamaged except for 2 minor areas on the edges facing back and
terminated chip. However does not seem to hurt display. The
overall size of this lustrous huge Smoky over powers the minor damage.
ex George White col, ex Dave Bunk


18 6cgssts ((COBALTIAN
DOLOMITE)), $30 MINIMUM BID, Shaba, Congo, 6 x
5.5 x 4.5 cm, Miniature, Pink rhombs of Dolomite.
Color is pinker that the photos. |
Yaogangxian Mine, Hunan Province, China, 4.5 x
4 x 2.5 cm, Miniature, Lustrous striated Bournonite from
China. Many of the faces are contact faces and flat without
striations. |
20 108
9fhnwns ((FOSSIL AMMONITE, 2 halves)), $15 MINIMUM BID,
Mahajanga Province, Madagascar,
6 x
4.8 x .7 cm, Miniature, Here is an Ammonite sawn in half and both
halves polished. The inside cells have been filled with Calcite.
ex Westwood collection.
21 029 9fhnwii ((TEKTITE)), $10 MINIMUM BID,
Maoming City, Guangdong, China, 4.8 x
4.8 x 2.7 cm, Miniature, Undamaged fine example of glass from a
meteorite impact sites. It has a nice flattened rounded shape.
ex Westwood collection.

22 925 9fhnwne ((PECTOLITE
variety LARIMAR)), $20 MINIMUM BID, Filipinas Larimar Mine, Los
Checheses, Sierra de Aoruco, Barahona Province, Dominican Republic,
6.5 x
3.5 x 1 cm, Miniature, Larimar is very popular in the jewelry
business. It is relatively new, last several years, on the market and
only found at one place in the world. Here is a 1 cm slice, not
polished that well, but coated to look polished. It could be polished.
ex Westwood collection.
23 142 9fhnwnr ((ORPIMENT)), $20 MINIMUM BID,
Elbrusskiy Mine, Kuban River, near Mt Elbrus, North Caucasus, Russia,
4.5 x
3 x 1 cm, Miniature, Fine orange Orpiment in great shaped or being
as soft as Orpiment is. Russia is one of the premier Orpiment
locations along with China and Peru and off course the world class location
in Nevada. ex Westwood collection.
24 110 9fhnwin ((PARAGASITE
in MARBLE)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Aliabad, Hunza Valley, Northern Pakistan,
4 x
3.5 x 2 cm, Miniature, Green Paragasite crystals on a contrasting
white Marble matrix. ex Westwood collection.
25 061 9fhnwin ((PYRITE)), $10 MINIMUM BID,
Huanzala Mine, Huanuco Department, Peru,
6 x
4 x 3 cm, Miniature, Lustrous Pyrite from Peru. Minor
chipping as with all inexpensive specimens. ex Westwood collection.

26 116 9fhnwer ((VESUVIANITE)), $35 MINIMUM BID,
Jeffrey Mine, Asbestos, Quebec, Canada,
3 x
3 x 2.5 cm, Miniature, Crystals of Vesuvianite with light outside
and purple centers. Jeffrey Mine is now closed. ex
Westwood collection.
27 077 9fhnwig ((DATOLITE)), $15 MINIMUM
BID, Dalnegorsk, Primorskiy Kray, Russia,
4 x
4 x 3.5 cm, Miniature, Lustrous crystals of colorless Datolite
from Dalnegorsk. ex Westwood collection.
28 028 9fhnwie ((CREEDITE)), $10 MINIMUM
BID, Mina Navidad, Abasalo, Durango, Mexico,
4.5 x
4 x 3.5 cm, Miniature, Spherical cluster of lustrous light orange
brown crystals of Creedite from this now closed locality. ex
Westwood collection. Color lighter than shown.
29 069 9fhnwit ((COLEMANITE)), $10 MINIMUM
BID, Bornon Open Pit, Boron, Kern County, County, California,
6 x
4 x 3 cm, Miniature, Here is a cluster of white crystals of
colmanite, hydrous calcium borate. ex Westwood collection.
30 076 9fhnwin ((EUDIALYTE)), $10 MINIMUM
BID, Kipawa Complex, Quebec, Canada,
5 x
5 x 3 cm, Miniature, Pink Eudialyte a complex sodium calcium
zirconium silicate. ex Westwood collection.
BID, Pine Creek Mine, Biship, California, 7 x
3.5 x 3.5 cm, Cabinet, White long Laumontite crystals with
Stilbite. These are coated so that with stePink Eudialyte a
complex the Laumontite does not dehydrate over time and turn to powder.
ex Westwood collection.
32 030
9fhnwie ((STAUROLITE)), $15 MINIMUM
BID, Khibiny Massif, Kola Peninsula, Russia, 5 x
5 x 2.5 cm, Miniature, Twinned Staurolite crystals in
matrix. Backside has untwinned crystals. ex Westwood collection.
33 062-9fhnwns ((CALCITE
pseudomorph after IKAITE)), $15 MINIMUM BID, Olenitsa River, Kola
Peninsula, Russia,
8 x
5.5 x 3 cm, Cabinet, Specimen is cut in half and nicely
polished with reveals the pseudomorph inside. There is also a
fossilized bivalve clam shell near the bottom. ex Westwood
34 070-9fhnwns ((RASPBERRY
GARNETS aka GROSSULAR)), $15 MINIMUM BID, Alicante, Coahuila,
10 x
5 x 4 cm, Cabinet, Cabinet sized specimen with many of the
reddish pink Grossular crystals with the black cores. Many of the
crystals show the black cores. The Grossular crystals also are
fluorescent under SW UV. ex Westwood collection.
35 063-9fhnwin ((BLACK
TOURMALINE aka SCHORL)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Erongo Massif, Omaruru
District, Namibia,
5 x
4.5 x 4 cm, Miniature, A group of lustrous parallel double
terminated Schorl crystals. Some damage to the one set of terminations
but overall in great shape. ex Westwood collection.
001-9fhnwns ((BARITE)), $15 MINIMUM BID, Long
Point, Rancho Palos Verde, California,
5 x
4.5 x 4 cm, Miniature, Light brown Barite crystals with a
second growth of small white Barite on the top of the brown crystals.
ex Westwood collection. |
37 013-9fhnwis ((HEMIMORPHITE)) $10 MINIMUM
BID, Wenshan, Yunnan Province, China,
9 x
7 x 5 cm, Cabinet, Light blue Hemimorphite from China.
ex Westwood collection. |
38 071-9fhnwns ((HEULANDITE
Ca on MORDENITE)), $15 MINIMUM BID, Rats Nest Claim, Challis,
Idaho, 7.5 x
6 x 6 cm, Cabinet, Lustrous pearly light salmon colored
crystals of Heulandite. Heulandite is usually thought of from
India. However several years ago Lanny Ream found this location
which produced world class Heulandite. It was worked by John
Cornish, a NW self collector. ex Westwood collection.
39 125-9fhnwnr ((MOLYDENITE
on QUARTZ)), $20 MINIMUM BID, Wolfram Camp, Queensland, Australia,
5.5 x
4.5 x 4 cm, Miniature, The majority of Wolfram Camp
Molydenite specimens do not have attached quartz matrix. Here is
an aesthetic specimen with Lustrous gray crystals on the white Quartz
matrix. ex Westwood collection. |
40 085-9fhnwin ((AURICHALCITE)), $10 MINIMUM BID,
Schell Creek Range, Nevada,
8 x
6 x 3 cm, Cabinet, Robin egg blue Aurichalcite on matrix
from Nevada. ex Westwood collection. |
41 073-9fhnwg ((COBALTOAN
DOLOMITE)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Kakanda Mine, Shaba District, Congo,
4.5 x
4.5 x 3.5 cm, Miniature, Pink druze of crystals on matrix.
ex Westwood collection.
42 124-9fhnwnt ((KYANITE)), $15 MINIMUM BID,
Khit Island, Karelia Rep. North Russia,
7.5 x
3 x 2.5 cm, Cabinet, Fine specimen of blue Kyanite in
matrix. Brazil usually comes to mind for Kyanite specimens but these
Russian specimens are as nice if not nicer than the Brazilian specimens.
ex Westwood collection.

43 048-9fhnwns
((ASTROPHYLLITE)), $15 MINIMUM BID, Khibiny, Massif, Kola Peninsula,
Russia, 9.5 x 4 x 2 cm, Cabinet, Golden brown asicular
crystals of Astrophyllite from the Kola Peninsula. ex Westwood
143-9fhnwnr ((OPAL)), $20 MINIMUM BID,
Opal Butte, near Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, 6.5 x 5 x 4.5 cm,
Miniature, Jelly Opal from Oregon on matrix. ex Westwood
011-9fhnwir ((GOETHITE)), $10 MINIMUM BID,
Taous, Morocco, 7 x 5.5 x 3.5 cm, Cabinet, Goethite is
hydrated iron oxide, an iron ore from Morocco. ex Westwood collection.
46 074-9fhnwin
((PYROMORPHITE on QUARTZ)), $15 MINIMUM BID, Tang Pipe Mine, Guangxi
Province, China, 7 x 5.5 x 5.5 cm, Cabinet, Yellow green
hexagonal prisms of double terminated Pyromorphite crystals on white opaque
Quartz. ex Westwood collection.

47 020-9fhnwr
((STIBNITE)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Jiangxi Province, China, 5.5 x 5 x 2
cm, Miniature, Lustrous cluster of Stibnite crystals from China.
Stibnite is Antimony Trisulfide. ex Westwood collection.
48 047-9fhnwg ((INESITE,
HUBEITE)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Ezhou, Hubei Province, China, 6 x 6 x 4
cm, Miniature, Pink asicular crystals of Inesite with dark brown
Hubeite, an new mineral newly described several years ago. ex Westwood
collection. |
49 019-9fhnwa
((LABRADORITE variety SPECTROLITE)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Ulyamaa Village,
Finland, 4.5 x 2.5 x 2 cm, Miniature, 4 sides a sawn and
polished smooth. Holding to the light at the right angle reveals the
coloration. Calcium sodium aluminum silicate usually seen from Madagascar
and even Quebec and Labrador, but also known from Finland. Finland
specimens not seen very often. ex Westwood collection.
105-9fhnwne ((VILLIAUMITE)),
$20 MINIMUM BID, Vostochny Mine, Kola Peninsula, Russia, 4 x 2.5 x
1.7 cm, Miniature, A dark red mineral from Russia. ex
Westwood collection.
017-9fhnwtr ((WULFENITE)), $30
MINIMUM BID, Chapacase Mine, Antofagasta Region, Chile, 6 x 3.5 x 2.5
cm, Miniature, A specimen of orange red crystals of Wulfenite
from Chile. Wulfenite is a lead molydate. ex Westwood collection.
52 065-9fhnwis
((QUARTZ SCEPTER)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Liliana Mine, Chihuahua, Mexico,
5.7 x 1.9 x 1.8 cm, Miniature, An interesting Quartz specimen
from Mexico. These were mined in Mexico by Benny Fenn, an mineral
dealer and miner for many years. ex Westwood collection.
53 018-9fhnwr
((MALACHITE)), $5 MINIMUM BID, Shaba, Zaire, 5 x 3.5 x 3.5 cm,
Miniature, A non terminated stalactite of green Malachite from Zaire.
ex Westwood collection. |
54 067-9fhnwir
((MAGNETITE)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Mina Huaquio, Serro Rico, Bolivia, 8
x 6.5 x 3.7 cm, Cabinet, A cabinet sized specimen with lustrous
octahedral crystals of Magnetite. Most if not all crystals have some
chipping and damage. ex Westwood collection.
55 066-9fhnwts
((FLUORAPATITE)), $25 MINIMUM BID, lake Baikal, Irkutsk Oblast, Russia,
8 x 5.5 x 5.5 cm, Cabinet, A colorful specimen of a large
single crystal of sea bluegreen Fluorapatite. The crystal is
terminated and has some contact but otherwise pretty much undamaged and
lustrous. ex Westwood collection. |
56 104-9fhnwig
((RHODOCHROSITE, FLUORITE)), $15 MINIMUM BID, Uchucchacua Mine, Oyon, Lima,
Peru, 6.5 x 6 x 4 cm, Miniature, Red Rhochrosite and
colorless Fluorite on contrasting black manganese oxide from Peru. ex
Westwood collection.
57 175-9fhnwie ((ACTINOLITE)),
$10 MINIMUM BID, Wrightwood, San Bernardino County, California, 7 x 5
x 4.5 cm, Cabinet, Calcium Magnesium Iron Silicate Hydroxide.
Crystallized green Actinolite that does not pose a health risk as fibrous
Actinolite. ex Westwood collection. |
58 101-9fhnwtn ((CROCOITE)),
$25 MINIMUM BID, Adelaide Mine, Tasmania, Australia, 6.5 x 6.5 x
5 cm, Miniature, Large miniature specimen of orange Crocoite
from Tasmania. This is a chromium containing mineral with needle
like long crystals of Crocoite which sparkle in the sunlight.
ex Westwood collection.
145-9fhnwnr ((HETEROSITE variety PURPURITE)), $25
MINIMUM BID, Sandamab pegmatite, Usakos, Karibib District, Namibia,
6.5 x 4 x 1 cm, Miniature, Large miniature specimen of colorful
reddish purple Purpurite. The specimen even has some associated Quartz
at the lower left corner. ex Westwood collection.
014-9fhnwir ((PYROMORPHITE)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Cordoba,
Spain, 7.5 x 6 x 3 cm, Cabinet, Cabinet sized specimen of
apple green Pyromorphite from a location that produces rather spendy
specimens of Pyromorphite. Here is a much more reasonable reference
specimen of Pyromorphite from Cordoba. ex Westwood collection.
053-9fhnwin ((DOLOMITE)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Vulcan
Quarry, Black Rock, Arkansas, 8 x 6 x 5.5 cm, Cabinet,
Curved salmon colored Dolomite crystals from Arkansas. Minor wear in
one area on the high spots otherwise undamaged. ex Westwood collection. |
62 054-9fhnwts ((CELESTINE)),
$20 MINIMUM BID, Sakoany Mines, Bombetoka Bay, Madagascar, 9 x 6.5 x
5.5 cm, Cabinet, Large crystals of grey blue Celestine.
The large back crystal on the right has damage at the back on the top of the
crystal. Otherwise the crystals are fine. ex Westwood collection. |
010-9fhnwnl ((FLUORITE)), $25 MINIMUM BID, Asturias,
Spain, 11 x 9 x 5 cm, Cabinet, Large specimen of yellow
brown crystals of lustrous Fluorite from Spain. A little rubbing on
the high areas along the ridge at the top of the photo. ex Westwood collection.
009-9fhnwr ((CALCITE)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Malaga, Spain,
10 x 8 x 5 cm, Cabinet, Large specimen of yellow brown crystals
of Calcite from Spain. Minor crystal tip damage in a few areas but
overall in good shape. ex Westwood collection. |
072-9fhnwin ((CONICHALCITE)), $15 MINIMUM BID, Ojuela
Mine, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico, 11 x 5 x 4.5 cm, Cabinet,
Large specimen of green Conichalcite from Ojuela. ex Westwood collection.
008-9fhnwnl ((BARITE)), $30 MINIMUM BID, Granda, Spain,
8 x 7 x 5 cm, Cabinet, Beautiful large undamaged Spanish
Barite. Aesthetic and sculptural. ex Westwood collection.
012-9fhnwia ((FLUORITE)), $15 MINIMUM BID, Asturias,
Spain, 9 x 9 x 3.5 cm, Cabinet, Large specimen of light
purple crystals of lustrous Fluorite from Spain. Some damage and I may
have actually photographed the wrong side. Other side is better.
ex Westwood collection. |
68 106-9fhnwts
((ATACAMITE)), $25 MINIMUM BID, Mina La Farola, Copiapo, Chile,
11 x 6.5 x 4 cm, Cabinet, Large specimen with excellent
crystals of dark green Atacamite. ex Westwood collection. |
69 049-9fhnwie
((TRONA)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Owens Lake, Inyo County,
California, 10 x 6 x 6 cm, Cabinet, Cabinet sized specimen
with large crystals Trona. ex Westwood collection. |

70 140-9fhnwnr ((VARISCITE)),
$20 BID, Lucin, Box Elder County, Utah, 11 x 9 x 2 cm, Cabinet,
Large thick slab of Lucin Variscite which is very affordable. If this
was Clay Canyon Variscite it would be several thousand dollars.
ex Westwood collection.
. |
71 031-9fhnwtl ((NEPHRITE
JADE)), $50 BID, Jade Cove, Monterey County, Utah, 11.5 x 9 x 4.5
cm, Cabinet, Large specimen with excellent polished free
formed Nephrite Jade from Monterey. These are collected by
diving off the California coast. ex Westwood collection.
72 102-9fhnwne ((MARCASITE
on CALCITE)), $10 BID, Hunan Province, China, 8.5 x 9 x 4 cm,
Cabinet, Calcite with a druze of Marcasite. ex Westwood
collection. |
73 149-9fhnwnr ((CLINOCHLORE
variety SERAPHINITE)), $20 BID, Korshunovskoe Mine, near Zheleznogorsk,
Angara-Llim Basin, Irkutskaya Oblast, Russia, 10 x 3.5 x .5 cm,
Cabinet, Nicely polish slab of Seraphinite from Russia. In
general Russian dealers tend to have higher retail pricing and do not
make deals. ex Westwood collection. |
74 024-9fhnwie
((ANHYDRITE)), $20 BID, Naica, Chihuahua, Mexico, 11 x 4 x 1.5 cm,
Cabinet, These classic Anhydrites have become quite scarce on the
market. Here is a fine light blue specimen. ex Westwood
((DANBURITE)), $20 BID, Naica, Charcas, San Luis Potosi,
Mexico, 8.5 x 3.5 x 2 cm, Cabinet, These classic
Danburites are hard to find undamaged. Here is an excellent example
with a pleasing light pink color and sharp crystal faces. ex
Westwood collection.

((BIOTITE)), $20 BID, Silver Crater Mine, Ontario,
Canada, 10.5 x 9 x 1.5 cm, Cabinet, This is a large black
thick hexagonal Biotite crystal. ex Westwood collection. |
77 051-9fhnwie
((SMITHSONITE)), $10 BID, San Antonio Mine, Chihuahua,
Mexico, 6.5 x 4 x 2.5 cm, Miniature, Here is a light
bluish green Smithsonite from Mexico. ex Westwood collection. |
78 148-9fhnwnr
((CELESTINE)), $20 BID, Mount Beineu-Kyr, Karakum
Desert, Turan Plain, Turkmenistan, 7 x 6 x 2.5 cm, Cabinet,
These have also become scarce at shows. Larger than normal colorless
crystals of Celestine. ex Westwood collection.
79 7hlkmr
((HENDRIXITE)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Sterling Hill Mine, Franklin, New Jersey,
7 x 4 x .3 cm, Cabinet, This resembles Biotite Mica. I am
not sure. Mindat does not reference Hendrixite and does show Biotite at
Sterling Hill. But I have also seen Hendrixite labeled several
different times. Anyone know. Is this a local name for Biotite
from Sterling Hill?
80 4hhadg
((CALCITE)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Meikle Mine, Nevada, 9 x 4 x 2.5 cm, Cabinet,
Gemmy Calcite from the mine famous for world class golden Barite.
83 |

91 |
48 8hljdr ((OPAL)),
$10 MINIMUM BID, White Cliffs, Australia, 3 x 4.5 x 1.7 cm, Miniature,
White opal with red and green fire. Hard to photograph and show color. |
7hhswns ((QUARTZ japan law twin)) $30 MINIMUM BID,
Tentadora Mine, Pampa Blanca, Castrovirrena Province, Hurancavelica, Peru, 6 x
4 x 3 cm, Excellent aesthetic Miniature example of one of Japan Law
twins from the Tentadora Mine in Peru. ex Neil Prenn miniature Quartz
collection. Undamaged and even the base of the Quartz is healed.
There is actually a second small japan law twin on the base of the Quartz
crystal just beneath the main twi
MRZ114 –
Picromerite (Schonite) on Halite - $300 (SOLD)
Potash Mine, Rossleben, Querfurt, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany
Large Miniature, 5.7 x 4.5 x 3.6 cm
A sharply crystallized example of this rare sulfate species, formerly
known as Schonite, from a classic locality long abandoned. Minor halite is
associated underneath and around the backside. It is, overall, a very
attractive miniature. It carries an old label from the Bergakadmemie
Freiberg. Sharp and complete all around, very 3-dimensional.
7hhlmit ((FLUORESCENT APATITE)), $30
MINIMUM BID, Sapo Mine, Goiabeira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, 4 x 1.5
x 1.5 cm, Miniature, Here is a great miniature. It is double
terminated stacked crystals of Apatite which has a hollow core and is
Fluorescent orange under UV. Completely undamaged. |
9chmrl ((CALCITE pseudomorph
after GLAUBERITE)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Camp Verde, Yavapai County,
Arizona, 9 x 6.5 x 5 cm, Cabinet, Excellent large specimen
which is nearly completely undamaged. One tip on one vertical
crystal missing on the bottom of the specimen. The small specimens are
common and easily collected but these large specimens are much harder to
collect and not nearly as common as the small ones. Glauberite is
a sulfate and Calcite is a carbonate. If it dissolves in HCl,
then it was a Calcite pseudo. |
10 8jhmrt
((HALITE)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Salton Sea, Imperial County,
California, 5.5 x 6.5 x 3 cm, Miniature to Small Cabinet, Stiking
orange fluorescent under UV on this California cubic Halite specimen.
15 9chmrn ((GROSSULAR
Jeffrey Mine, Asbestos, Quebec, Canada, 2 x 1 x .3 cm,
Thumbnail, Lustrous gemmy Hessonite from Jeffrey. |
9btad ((GOLD)), $10 MINIMUM BID,
Olinghouse Mine, Washoe County, Nevada, 10 x 8 x 4.5 cm, Cabinet,
Large matrix with the top sparsely covered with micro Gold crystals.
$10 MINIMUM BID, Nan Dan, Hunan, China, 2.5 cm, 2 thumbnails, Two 2.5
cm length iron meteorites from Nan Dan China. They are lightly
varnished to protect from rusting but this man be removed with thinner or
nail polish remover.
Fluororichterite - George Earle Farm, Wilberforce, Ontario,
Canada (small cabinet)