ark ((24 MAGNETITEs)), $15 MINIMUM BID, Perovskite Hill, Magnet Cove, Arkansas,
1.2 to 3 cm, 24 Thumbnails, Here is a flat of brown octahedral
Magnetite crystals with a few singles and mostly clusters.
ark ((12 ANATASE)), $25 MINIMUM BID,
Mid State Quarry, Magnet Cove, Arkansas,
1.5 to 7.5 cm, 12 Thumbnails to Cabinet, Here is a flat of Mid
State Quarry Anatase. These are the well known form of Anatase,
elongated octahedrons. These are small lustrous black crystals.
A loop is helpful in seeing most crystals.
3 ark ((24
ANATASE on MAGNETITE)), $25 MINIMUM BID, Perovskite Hill, Magnet Cove,
.5 to 4 cm, 24 Thumbnails, Here is a flat of dark brown
octahedral Magnetite crystals and clusters with light brown octahedral
Anatase crystals.
4 ark ((14 BOTRYOIDAL
SIDERITE)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Christy Pit, Magnet Cove, Arkansas,
2 to 3.5 cm, 14 Thumbnails to Miniatures, Here are botryoidal or
spherical brown Siderites from Christy Pit in Magnet Cove.
5 ark ((24
WAVELLITE)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Avant, Arkansas,
4 to 6 cm, 24 Miniatures, Avant Wavellite usually is more of an
olive green and radial crystals forming in cracks and small spaces in the
6 ark ((14
Little Rock, Arkansas,
2 to 4 cm, 14 Miniatures, Ankerite on Solution Quartz from

7 ark ((7 SMOKY
QUARTZ)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Mooralla, Victoria, Australia,
2 to 2.5 cm, 7 Thumbnails, Australia black aka Smoky Quartz.
8 ark ((3
WAVELLITE)), $15 MINIMUM BID, Mauldin Mountain, Montgomery County,
10 to 12 cm, Cabinet, Here are three Wavellite specimens from
9 ark ((3
WAVELLITE)), $15 MINIMUM BID, Mauldin Mountain, Montgomery County,
10 to 12 cm, Cabinet, Here are three Wavellite specimens from
ark ((35
Magnet Cove, Arkansas,
1 to 3 cm, 35 Miniatures, Here is a flat of ugly Smoky
Quartz from Magnet Cove with black lustrous Brookite crystals 2 to 7 MM. |
10 1257-511-9ldgcns ((QUARTZ
on CALCITE with minor CALCITE)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Poona, India,
7 x
x 3.5 cm, Cabinet, Here is a rhomb and a stacked rhomb of Indian
Calcite covered with a 2 MM layer of Quartz. On the Quartz are
small 2 to 4 MM Stilbite crystals. ex H Desinger collection.
11 1323-511-9ldgcrs ((PYRITE)), $20 MINIMUM BID,
Poona, India, 7 x
x 2 cm, Cabinet, Here is a single crystal of Pyrite from Germany
in matrix. The Pyrite is 1.5 x 1.5 x 1.5 cm in size and is
undamaged except a little roughness on one corner. ex H Desinger collection.
12 1314-511-9ldgces ((GYPSUM)), $15 MINIMUM BID,
Turkministan, 7 x
x 4 cm, Cabinet, Here is a single COMPLETE crystal of Gypsum
which is undamaged, uncleaved, and on a small piece of matrix. ex H Desinger collection.
13 1314-511-9ldgces ((DOLOMITE)), $15 MINIMUM BID,
Schlema, Erzgebirge, Saxony, Germany, 8 x
x 2.5 cm, Cabinet, Here are cream colored flattened rhombs of
Dolomite with the outside colored a rich brown from iron staining.
Here is a classic German location, Schlema. ex H Desinger collection.
14 1317-511-9ldgcar ((QUARTZ,
HEMATITE)), $25 MINIMUM BID, Egremont, Cumberland, Cumbria, England,
6 x
x 1.5 cm, Miniature, Here are Cumberland habit lustrous Quartz
crystals on thin matrix of Hematite kidney ore from Cumbria. ex H Desinger collection.
15 1315-511-9ldgcar ((PYROMORPHITE)), $25 MINIMUM BID,
Krandorf, Schwarzenfeld, Schwandorf, Bavaria, Germany, 6 x
x 1.5 cm, Miniature, Here is a Quartz matrix coated with a druze
of green Pyromorphite. ex H Desinger collection.

16 915-511-9ldgces ((CALCITE)), $15 MINIMUM BID,
Belaya Rechka Deposit, Adygea Republic, Northern Caucasus, Russia, 7 x
x 5 cm, Cabinet, Here is a large single crystal of double
terminated Calcite. The crystal has contact and cleaved edges on
the bottom of crystal which is actual its side. ex H Desinger collection.
17 1307-511-9ldgcar ((FLUORITE)), $25 MINIMUM BID,
Rottleberode, Stolberg, Harz Mountains, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany,
4.5 x
x 3.5 cm, Miniature, Here is a lustrous German Fluorite.
Color is a light grey green on this transluscent Fluorite. ex H Desinger collection.

1307-511-9ldgcar ((TOURMALINE on and included in QUARTZ
with minor CLEAVELANDITE)), $25 MINIMUM BID, Golconda Mine, Governador
Valadares, Minas Gerais, Brazil, 5.5 x
x 3 cm, Miniature, Blue green gemmy Tourmaline crystals in and
on Quartz. Also a small area of white Cleavelandite. ex H Desinger collection.
1622-511-9ldgcrs ((QUARTZ)), $15 MINIMUM BID,
Huanzala Mine, Dos de Mayo Province, Huanuco Department, Peru, 6.5 x
x 2.5 cm, Miniature, 6 undamaged terminated Quartz crystals in a
spray like cluster from Peru. ex H Desinger collection. |
20 1622-511-9ldgces ((GALENA)), $15 MINIMUM BID,
Madan, Rhdope Mountains, Smolyan Oblast, Bulgaria, 9.5 x
x 3 cm, Cabinet, Cubic Galena crystals with a matte luster and
with associated Sphalerite from Madan. ex H Desinger collection.
21 1571-511-9ldgces ((QUARTZ)), $10 MINIMUM BID,
Unknown, 8 x
x 4.5 cm, Cabinet, A cluster of undamaged terminated and double
terminated clear Quartz crystals which did not have a label. However it
looks like the Quartz from Hot Springs, Arkansas. ex H Desinger collection. |
22 1365-511-9ldgcns ((STIBNITE)), $10 MINIMUM BID,
Hunan Province, China, 3.5 x
x .6 cm, Miniature, A crooked and curved Stibnite crystal from
China. There are many straight Stibnite crystals but the curved
crystals seem to have more character. ex H Desinger collection. |
23 795-511-9ldgcrs ((SMOKY
QUARTZ)), $15 MINIMUM BID, Fedenstock Mountain, Felli Valley, Uri,
Switzerland, 6 x
x 3.5 cm, Miniature, Here is a terminated undamaged Quartz
crystal from Switzerland. It also has a smaller terminated Quartz
across the front with the tip of the termination a bit rough. ex H Desinger collection. |
24 1360-511-9ldgcar ((STIBNITE)), $25 MINIMUM BID,
Herja Mine, Baia Mare, Maramures, Romania, 7 x
x 2.5 cm, Cabinet, Here is a cluster of short thick terminated
crystals of Stibnite. Older material than generally seen on the
market. No damage. ex H Desinger collection.
25 1245-511-9ldgcrs ((SMOKY
QUARTZ)), $15 MINIMUM BID, Bergen, Vogtland, Saxony, Germany,
7.5 x
x 4.5 cm, Cabinet, Here is a German Smoky with several parallel
crystals. The specimen is highly lustrous and deep dark brown with
several transparent areas showing inclusions. ex H Desinger collection.
26 1288-511-9ldgces ((HEMATITE)), $10 MINIMUM BID,
Nador Province, Oriental Region, Morocco,
5 x
x 1 cm, Miniature, Here is highly lustrous somewhat
skeletal Hematite on matrix from Morocco. ex H Desinger collection.
, |
1353-511-9ldgcns ((GROSSULAR)), $5 MINIMUM BID,
Lake Jaco, Sierra de la Cruz, Coahuila, Mexico,
3 x
x 2.5 cm, Miniature, Here is lustrous reddish brown Grossular
from Lake Jaco. Minor nicking but no real damage which is unusual for these
Grossulars. ex H Desinger collection.
28 774-511-9ldgcrs ((PYRITE
on BARITE)), $15 MINIMUM BID, Kaukasus?,
6 x
x 3.5 cm, Miniature, Here is a plate of Barite crystals coated
with a druze of Pyrite. Location in German says Kaukasus but I could
not translate. ex H Desinger collection. |
29 1061-511-9ldgcrs ((CELESTINE)), $15 MINIMUM BID,
Beyneu Kyr, Tuarkyr, Turkmenistan,
6.5 x
x 2.5 cm, Miniature, Here is a plate of lustrous Celestine from
Turkmenistan. ex H Desinger collection.
30 1298-511-9ldgcar ((BARYTE)), $25 MINIMUM BID,
Freiberg, Erzgebirge, Saxony, Germany,
6 x
x 3.5 cm, Miniature, Here is a German Baryte with a bit of iron
staining giving the crystals a brown highlite in the crevasses. ex H Desinger collection.
31 893-511-9ldgcts ((CALCITE with FLUORITE)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Villabona,
Asturias, Spain,
6 x
x 5.5 cm, Miniature, Here is specimen with a large lustrous
Calcite at the base and small gemmy cubic Fluorite crystals at the upper
part of the specimen. ex H Desinger collection.
32 893-511-9ldgcrs
Barra de Salinas, Cornel Murta, Minas Gerais, Brazil,
4 x
x 3 cm matrix with 8 cm crystal, Cabinet, Here is specimen with
a 8 cm crystal of blue Kyanite on a Quartz matrix. The Kyanite is
actually two parallel crystals. ex H Desinger collection.
33 1296-511-9ldgcar
((APATITE, MUSCOVITE)), $25 MINIMUM BID, Ze Pinto Prospect, Aldeia,
Conselheiro Pena, Minas Gerais, Brazil, 3 x 3 x 2 cm,
Miniature, Dark green hexagonal double terminated Apatite crystals
with Muscovite. ex H Desinger collection.
34 513-10btadiss
((STELLERITE)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Tambar Springs, Pottinger County, New
South Wales, Australia, 9 x 4.5 x 2.5 cm, Cabinet, Salmon
colored Stellerite from Tambar Springs.
35 513-10btadiss
((SUNSTONE)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Kong Mine, Harts Ranges, Northern Territory,
Australia, 8 x 7 x 4.5 cm, Cabinet, Australia Sunstone
from the Harts Ranges. These Sunstones have flashes of yellow color
when viewed at the right angle to light. I did not see these in the
large specimen, but here is a small one from the box in the next item to
show the specks of bright yellow light. |
36 513-10btadiss
((BOX OF SUNSTONE)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Kong Mine, Harts Ranges, Northern Territory,
Australia, 9 x 8.5 x 3 cm, Thumbnails, A foldup box of
Australia Sunstone 1 to 2 cm from the Harts Ranges. These Sunstones
have flashes of yellow color when viewed at the right angle to light.
Many in the box such as these two show specks of bright yellow light.
37 513-10btadiss
((MOLYBDENITE on QUARTZ)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Wolfram Camp, Dimbulah,
Queensland, Australia, 9 x 5.5 x 4.5 cm, Cabinet, A
specimen of lustrous Molybdenite on Quartz from Queensland.
38 513-10btadiss
((RHODONITE, GALENA)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Broken Hill, New South Wales,
Australia, 5 x 4.5 x 3 cm, Miniature, A combination of red
Rhodonite and lustrous silvery Galena from the classic location of Broken
513-10btadiss ((GYPSUM)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Mount Gunson,
South Australia, Australia, 10 x 7 x 1.5 cm, Cabinet, A
green bed of Gypsum. |
40 513-10btadiss
Wales, Australia, 9 x 6 x 4 cm, Cabinet, Blue green
Aurichalcite covered with colorless Hemimorphite from the classic
location of Broken Hill.
41 513-10btadiss
((GYPSUM)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Lake Gilles, South Australia, Australia,
9 x 6 x 5 cm, Cabinet, A nearly transparent twin Gypsum from
Australia. It has a bit of minor edge wear on one side, but is
otherwise undamaged. |
42 513-10btadiss
((WULFENITE)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Whim Creek Copper Mine, Whim Creek, Western
Australia, Australia, 4.5 x 4 x 2.5 cm, Miniature, Small
micro orange Wulfenite crystals scattered over the matrix from Whim Creek.
43 513-10btadiss
((CERUSSITE, MALACHITE)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Brown's Prospect, Rum Jungle,
Northern Territory, Australia, 4 x 3 x 1.5 cm, Miniature,
Twinned white Cerussite with minor green Malachite from Rum Jungle. |
513-10btadiss ((THUNDER EGG)), $5 MINIMUM BID,
Mt Hay, Queensland, Australia, 7 x 6 x 5.5 cm, Cabinet,
Twinned white Cerussite with minor green Malachite from Rum Jungle. |
513-10btadiss ((MUSCOVITE in FELDSPAR)),
$10 MINIMUM BID, Thackaringa District, New South Wales, Australia, 10
x 8 x 4 cm, Cabinet, Twinned white Cerussite with minor green
Malachite from Rum Jungle.
46 513-10btadiss
((QUARTZ STALACTITE)), $5 MINIMUM BID, Agate Creek, Etheridge Shire,
Queensland, Australia, 8 x 5.5 x 5 cm, Cabinet, Quartz
specimen with several Quartz stalactites from Queensland.
47 513-10btadiss
((QUARTZ on STELLERITE)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Tambar Springs, Pottinger
County, New South Wales, Australia, 8 x 6 x 4.5 cm, Cabinet,
Quartz mounds over salmon colored Stellerite from Tambar Springs. |

48 513-10btadiss
((GYPSUM tri color)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Whyalla, Eyre Peninsula, South
Australia, Australia, 9 x 5.5 x 5 cm, Cabinet, This
unusual Gypsum was the only specimen like this that I saw in Tucson.
It has a base of white Gypsum with the upper crystals being brown. On
the brown Gypsum crystals are needle like secondary crystals which are
green. Strange Australian Gypsum. |
49 1338-511-9ldgces ((PYRITE,
Sondershausen, Thuringia, Germany, 12 x
x 2.5 cm, Cabinet, Cubic Pyrite crystals in a matrix of
Anhydrite from Thuringia. ex H Desinger collection.
766-511-9ldgcts ((LAPIS
Afghanistan, 8 x
x 4 cm, Cabinet, Large specimen of blue Lapis Lazuli. ex H Desinger collection.
875-511-9ldgcar ((MANGANOAN
CALCITE)), $25 MINIMUM BID, Huanzala Mine, Huanuco Department, Peru,
9 x
x 3.5 cm, Cabinet, Large specimen of pink Manganoan Calcite
which undoubtedly strongly fluoresces red orange. ex H Desinger collection.
52 954-511-9ldgcar ((GYPSUM)), $25 MINIMUM BID,
Naica, Municipio de Saucillo, Chihuahua, Mexico, 12 x
x 4.5 cm, Cabinet, Large specimen of fish tailed Gypsum from
Naica. A little tip wear but no major damage. Classic Naica
Gypsum shape. ex H Desinger collection.
53 781-511-9ldgces ((CALCITE)), $10 MINIMUM BID,
Naica, Municipio de Saucillo, Chihuahua, Mexico, 13 x
x 5 cm, Cabinet, Specimen of scalenohedral Calcite grey to cream
colored. These look similar to the brushy creek Calcite without any
Marcasite. There is tip cleavage-damage on several if not
most crystals but no major damage. Nice reference inexpensive
Naica Calcite specimen and somewhat unusual for the location. ex H Desinger
collection. |
54 1492-511-9ldgcar ((BARITE)), $25 MINIMUM BID,
Unknown, 10 x
x 3 cm, Cabinet, Large specimen bluish grey Barite. No label but
looks like Romania as the location. Minor damage upon closer
examination but looks undamaged for display. No major damage and
shows well on front or back. ex H Desinger collection.
55 820-511-9ldgcar ((Butterfly
Twin CALCITE)), $25 MINIMUM BID, Schelklingen, Schwabische Alb Mts,
Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany, 14 x
x 1.5 cm, Cabinet, Large specimen plate of brown Calcite
crystals with four twins from this old German location. ex H Desinger collection.
56 964-511-9ldgcts ((COAL
with PYRITE)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Recklinghausen, Ruhr Coal Mining area,
North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, 10 x
x 7 cm, Cabinet, Large specimen with an interesting combination
of Coal and Pyrite from a classic coal mining area in Germany. ex H Desinger collection.
57 976-511-9ldgcar ((CHALCOPYRITE,
SPHALERITE)), $25 MINIMUM BID, Madan, Rhodope Mountains, Smolyan
Oblast, Bulgaria, 13 x
x 3 cm, Cabinet, Large specimen with golden Chalcopyrite on a
matrix of black Sphalerite and small needle Quartz. The specimen has
no attachment and is a floater. ex H Desinger collection.
58 976-511-9ldgcar ((QUARTZ)), $25 MINIMUM BID,
Huanzala Mine, Huanuco Department, Peru, 7.5 x
x 6 cm, Cabinet, Undamaged terminaed Quartz crystals on matrix
which sets perfectly for display. ex H Desinger collection.
59 1978-511-9ldgcar ((FLUORITE)), $25 MINIMUM BID,
Germany, 10 x
x 3 cm, Cabinet, Multi colored banding from purples to greens on
this German Fluorite. ex H Desinger collection.
1224-511-9ldgcns ((QUARTZ geode)), $10 MINIMUM BID,
Morocco, 9 x
x 6 cm, Cabinet, Quartz geode from Morocco with stubby
terminated Quartz crystals lining the cavity of a Moroccan geode. ex H Desinger
65 1991-511-9ldoces
((QUARTZ variety SMOKY)), $10 MINIMUM BID,
Devils Head, Douglas County, Colorado, 9.5 x
x 6.5 cm, Cabinet, A specimen of Microcline with several terminated
Smoky Quartz crystals. ex H Desinger collection.
66 867-510-9ldocar ((MANGANOAN
Huanzala Mine, Peru, 7 x
x 2 cm, Cabinet, With a loop the crystals resemble the saddle back
pink Dolomite, only the crystals are small and pink. ex H Desinger collection.
((CROCOITE)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Tasmania, Australia,
5.5 x
x 2.5 cm, Miniature, Orange Crocoite crystals on matrix. ex H Desinger collection.
((FLUORITE)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Melchor, Muzquiz,
Coahuila, Mexico, 6 x
x 3 cm, Miniature, A vug of purple cubic Fluorite crystals. ex H Desinger collection.
69 1983-511-9ldgcts ((FLUORITE)), $10 MINIMUM BID,
Gelbe Birke Mine, near Beierfeld, Erzgerbirge, Saxony, Germany,
10 x
x 4 cm, Cabinet, Light green Fluorite from an old German Mine, Gelbe
Birke Mine
ex H Deisinger
collection from Germany.
70 1351-512-10ahmres ((SILVER
San Martin Mine, Zacatecas, Mexico, 5.5 x
5 cm, Miniature, Here is a thin sheet of solid Silver from Mexico.
The Silver sheet has an iridescent blue coloration from Bornite.
ex H Deisinger
collection from Germany.
. |
71 512-10ahmrt ((QUARTZ
pseudomorph after ARAGONITE)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Clarendon,
Donley County, Texas, 2.5 x
x 1.5 cm, Thumbnail, Here another of these curious pseudomorphs that I had not run into
previously. Its an Aragonite pseudomorphed to Quartz.
72 512-10ahmris ((CALCITE)), $25 MINIMUM BID,
Santa Eulalia, Chihuahua, Mexico, 19 x
x 8.5 cm, Cabinet, Here is a large cluster of Calcite from Santa Eulalia.
Even though large, I do not see any damage.
73 511-9ldoces ((CALCITE)), $10 MINIMUM BID,
Schlema, Erzgebirge, Saxony, Germany, 11 x
x 3 cm, Cabinet, Here is another Schlema Calcite with another Calcite
habit. This has sheaf like clusters of Calcite crystals. ex H Deisinger
collection from Germany. ex H Deisinger
collection from Germany. |
511-9ldocar ((CELESTINE)), $35 MINIMUM BID,
Sakoany, Majunga Province, Madagascar, 6 x
x 3.5 cm, Miniature, Here is a aesthetic specimen of a large blue Celestine
crystal with a 3.3 cm terminated crystal across the front. ex H Deisinger
collection from Germany.
((SPHALERITE)), $25 MINIMUM BID, Taolin Mine,
Yueyang Prefecture, Hunan Province, China, 4 x
x 3.5 cm, Miniature, Here is a fine gemmy Chinese Sphalerite. For the
most part undamaged especially all the major crystals are undamaged.
ex H Deisinger
collection from Germany.  |
511-9ldoces ((CALCITE)), $10 MINIMUM BID,
Freiberg, Erzgebirge, Saxony, Germany, 10 x
x 5 cm, Cabinet, Here is a Freiberg Calcite. ex H Deisinger
collection from Germany. ex H Deisinger
collection from Germany. |
77 511-9ldocrs ((CALCITE,
FLUORITE)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Yaogangxian Mine, Hunan Province, China,
6 x
x 4 cm, Miniature, Cubic Fluorite crystals cover the matix with two
large large undamaged Calcite crystals with a third smaller Calcite between
the two large crystals. ex H Deisinger
collection from Germany.
80 |
Cakmakkaya Mine, Murgul, Artvin Province, Black Sea Region, Turkey



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