Oct 19, 2012
01 12jklrl
((CALCITE pseudomorph after ARAGONITE)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Monolith
Quarry, Albany County, Wyoming, 5 x 4 x 3 cm, Miniature, Here is a
pseudo hexagonal Aragonite now pseudomorphed to somewhat lustrous Calcite.
ex Lanny Ream collection.
((HEDENBERGITE included QUARTZ)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Kawakami, S. Saluma
County, Nagano Prefecture, Japan, 2.5 x 2 x .7 cm, Thumbnail,
Here is a pair of terminated greenish Quartz from Hedenbergite inclusions.
ex Jim and Hisami McNeil, ex Lanny Ream collection.
3 12jkprnr
((PARISITE Ce)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Snowbird Mine, Fish Creek, Alberton,
Mineral County, Montana, 8 x 8 x 7 cm, Cabinet, Here is a
cabinet sized matrix specimen with many small crystals and a few large
crystals to 2.2 cm. Parisite is an uncommon carbonate, Ca, Ce, La
carbonate with F. Collected 2012 by Pacific Rim Minerals.
4 12jklrr ((25 WULFENITE xls)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Old Yuma Mine, Pima County, Arizona, .4 to 1.6 cm, 25 Thumbnails, Here is a group of single Wulfenite crystals. ex Bill Dameron collection. | |
5 12jkfme ((CREEDITE)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Hall Mine, Tonopah, Nevada, 3 x 2.5 x 1.5 cm, Thumbnail, Here is a large thumbnail with small purple crystal of Creedite from Nevada. ex D Earnest collection. |
6 12jklrr ((QUARTZ pseudomorph after APOPHYLLITE)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Antelope Flats, Custer County, Idaho, 8 x 6 x 4 cm, Cabinet, Here is an Idaho pseudomorph with large Apophyllite crystals pseudomorphed to Quartz. ex Lanny Ream collection.
7 12jklris ((BERYL variety AQUAMARINE)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Minas Gerais, Brazil, 5 x 1.4 x 1.3 cm, Miniature, Here is an odd terminated Aquamarine from Brazil with a naturally etched hollow core. The termination has a .7 cm etched opening creating a hollow crystal about 4 cm of the 5 cm length of the crystal. ex Lanny Ream collection. | |
8 12jklrl ((WULFENITE)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Santa Anita Mine, Radersburg, Montana, 15 x 8 x 5 cm, Cabinet, Here is a large reference specimen covered with small dark carmel colored Wulfenite crystals from Montana, ex Lanny Ream collection. | |
9 12jklre ((BARITE)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Oraparinna Barite Mine, South Australia, Australia, 5 x 4 x 4 cm, Miniature, Here is a Barite from Oraparinna Barite Mine with crystals to 1.2 cm. ex Lanny Ream collection. |
10 12jmgmns ((QUARTZ variety AMETHYST)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Amatitlan, Zumpango de Rio Guerrero, 5.5 x 5 x 3 cm, Miniature, Here is a vug of purple Amethyst. Three of the four sides are polished and it sets up perfectly for display. | |
11 12jklrr ((VANADINITE, DESCLOIZITE)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Iron Mask Mine, Horseshoe Gulch, Lemhi County, Idaho, 9 x 5 x 4 cm, Cabinet, Here is an Idaho specimen with tannish brown Vanadinite crystals. ex Lanny Ream collection, collected by Lanny Ream. | |
12 12jkfme ((CREEDITE)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Hall Mine, Tonopah, Nevada, 7.5 x 3.5 x 1.8 cm, Miniature, Here is a miniature with small purple crystal of Creedite from Nevada.
((FLUORITE)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Keystone Mtn., Challis, Custer County, Idaho,
11 x 7.5 x 7 cm, Cabinet, Here is a large specimen covered with white
to colorless cubic Fluorite crystals. ex Lanny Ream
collection, colllected by Lanny Ream.
((NATROLITE)), $25 MINIMUM BID, Bound Brook Quarry, Somerset County,
New Jersey, 8.5 x .9 x .8 cm, Cabinet, Here is
a large terminated, sharp, gemmy top half, single crystal of Natrolite
from New Jersey. Undamaged but part of the termination is
contacted. These are considered the finest Natrolite crystals for
the species. ex Lanny Ream collection. A similar but
smaller 6.2 cm crystal is valued at $150.
((PARISITE Ce)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Snowbird Mine, Fish Creek, Alberton,
Mineral County, Montana, 3.6 x 1 x .8 cm, Miniature to large
Thumbnail, Here is a
miniature large single crystal of Parisite-Ce. Parisite is an uncommon carbonate, Ca, Ce, La
carbonate with F. Collected 2012 by Pacific Rim Minerals.
16 12jklrt ((QUARTZ slightly Amethystine)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Dog Mountain, near Stevenson, Washington, 4 x 3.5 x 3 cm, Cabinet, Here is an undamaged aesthetic Quartz cluster with long reverse sceptered Quartz crystals. ex Lanny Ream collection. |
17 12jkjdr ((CHALCOPYRITE)), $5 MINIMUM BID, Pedro Claim, King County, Washington, 3 x 2.5 x 2 cm, Thumbnail, Single irregular Chalcopyrite crystal with some protruding Quartz.
18 12jkjdr ((TOURMALATED QUARTZ)), $5 MINIMUM BID, Pedro Claim, King County, Washington, 4.5 x 2.5 x 1.5 cm, Miniature, Terminated water clear Quartz with included dark hairlike Schorl crystals. Two small daughter Quartz crystals. Undamaged except some chipping at the termination of the large crystal. |
19 12jkjdr ((PYRITE included QUARTZ)), $5 MINIMUM BID, Pedro Claim, King County, Washington, 3 x 2.2 x 1.3 cm, Thumbnail, Terminated pair of Quartz crystals included with small Pyrite crystals. Undamaged. |
((SIDERITE on QUARTZ)), $5 MINIMUM BID, Pedro Claim, King County,
3.5 x 1.8 x 1.2 cm, Miniature, Terminated Quartz with Siderite.
Undamaged. |
21 12jkjdr ((Bent QUARTZ)), $5 MINIMUM BID, Pedro Claim, King County, Washington, 5 x 2 x 1.2 cm, Miniature, Terminated bent Quartz crystal which splits another single Quartz crystal causing it to have two terminations. |
22 12jkjdr ((CALCITE)), $5 MINIMUM BID, Pedro Claim, King County, Washington, 2.1 x 2.1 x 1.1 cm, Thumbnail, Two fine barrel shaped undamaged Calcite crystals in a thumbnail sized specimen. | |
23 12jkjdr ((QUARTZ with SCEPTERS)), $5 MINIMUM BID, Pedro Claim, King County, Washington, 4.5 x 4 x 2.2 cm, Miniature, Here is a cluster of terminated Quartz crystals from King County, There are two scepters near the one edge. Undamaged. | |
24 12jkjdr
((QUARTZ SCEPTER without STEM)), $5 MINIMUM BID, Pedro Claim, King
County, Washington,
2 x 1.5 x 1.2 cm, Thumbnail, Here is the top Quartz crystal of a
scepter but the stem is missing, otherwise undamaged.
25 12jkjdr ((QUARTZ)), $5 MINIMUM BID, Pedro Claim, King County, Washington, 4.5 x 2.5 x 1.5 cm, Miniature, Here is a cluster of undamaged Quartz crystals. There is also some dark inclusions near the top of one crystal. | |
((QUARTZ)), $5 MINIMUM BID, Pedro Claim, King County, Washington,
6.5 x 2.5 x 2.2 cm, Miniature, Here is a large for the locality
undamaged single terminated Quartz crystal. There are some small
secondary Quartz crystals on the one face.
Pedro Claim, King County, Washington,
3.5 x 3.5 x 2 cm, Miniature, Here is a large Chalcopyrite with an
undamaged terminated Calcite on the side.
28 12jkjdr ((PYRITE on QUARTZ)), $5 MINIMUM BID, Pedro Claim, King County, Washington, 4 x 3 x 2 cm, Miniature, Here is a grouping of Quartz with a 7 mm lustrous Pyrite. |
((QUARTZ with inclusions and PHANTOM)), $5 MINIMUM BID, Pedro Claim,
King County, Washington,
5 x 1.3 x 1 cm, Miniature, Here is a terminated Quartz with a Pyrite or
Chalcopyrite inclusion. 7 mm lustrous Pyrite. There is
also a faint ghostly Phantom.
30 12jkjdr ((QUARTZ with SIDERITE)), $5 MINIMUM BID, Pedro Claim, King County, Washington, 3.5 x 3 x 1.5 cm, Miniature, Here is a group of Quartz with rhombs of Siderite attached to the head of a slightly sceptered Quartz. | |
31 12jkjdr ((PHANTOM QUARTZ)), $5 MINIMUM BID, Pedro Claim, King County, Washington, 3.7 x 1 x .8 cm, Miniature, Here is a terminated Quartz with a yellowish Phantom. |
((PHANTOM QUARTZ)), $5 MINIMUM BID, Pedro Claim, King County,
5.5 x 2 x 2 cm, Miniature, Here is a cluster of terminated Quartz with
the three larger crystals with ghostly white Phantoms. No
33 12jkwgr
((CINNABAR)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Cascade Group, Mahogany Hill, Lake County,
Oregon, 9 x 5 x 5 cm, Cabinet, Reddish brown coating of Cinnabar on matrix
from Oregon. ex Wes Gannaway collection
34 12jkwgr ((OSUMULITE, PHLOGOPITE)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Obsidian Cliffs, MacKenzie Pass, Lane County, Oregon, 8 x 7 x 4 cm, Cabinet, Osumulite and Phlogopite in a volcanic matrix. ex Wes Gannaway collection |
35 12jkwgr ((ORTHOCLASE)), $10 MINIMUM BID, near Mosquito Pass, Lake County, Colorado, 2.5 to 6.5 cm, Thumbnail to Cabinet, Twinned and Untwinned Orthoclase crystals from Colorado. ex Bill Dameron collection | |
36 12jkwgr ((11 QUARTZ)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Ngai, near Didieni, Kayes Region, Mali, 1.5 to 2.5 cm, 11 Thumbnails, 11 double terminated Quartz crystals. ex Bill Dameron collection |
37 12jkwgr ((2 BARITE)), $10 MINIMUM BID, National Belle Mine, Ouray County, Colorado, 3.5 x 2.5 x.8 cm, 2 Miniatures, 2 specimens of Barite from Colorado. ex Bill Dameron collection | |
38 12jkwgr ((BARITE, QUARTZ)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Fox River outcrop, near Wayland, Clark County, Missouri, 3 x 2 x 1.2 cm, Miniature, A specimen of Barite from Missouri. ex Bill Dameron collection. |
39 12jkwgr ((BARITE)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Wet Grooves Mine, Wensleydale, North Yorkshire, England, 4.5 x 3 x 2.5 cm, Miniature, A specimen of Barite from Missouri. ex Bill Dameron collection. | |
40 12jkwgr ((CALCITE, SIDERITE, MAGNETITE)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Government Springs Road, Montrose County, Colorado, 4.5 x 4 x 2.5 cm, Miniature, A undamaged specimen from Colorado of Calcite and Siderite. I do not see the Magnetite, ex Bill Dameron collection. | |
41 12jkwgr ((APOPHYLLITE)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Weyerhaeuser Rd. 1300, Pe Ell, Pacific County, Washington, 6 x 4.5 x 3 cm, Miniature, Blocky crystals of Apophyllite from Washington state, ex Bill Dameron collection. | |
42 12jkwgr ((2 STILBITE)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Coffin Butte Quarry, Benton County, Oregon, 4 x 2.5 x 2 cm, 2 Miniatures, Two fine undamaged specimens of Oregon Stilbite, ex Bill Dameron collection. | |
43 12hljdr ((NISSONITE)), TYPE LOCALITY, $5 MINIMUM BID, Panoche Valley, San Benito County, California, 2.5 x 2 x .5 cm, Thumbnail, Uncommon species from the type locality, ex David Shannon. | |
44 12hljdr ((BETAFITE)), RADIOACTIVE, TYPE LOCALITY, $10 MINIMUM BID, Betafo, Madagascar, 1.3 x 1 x .8 cm, Thumbnail, Radioactive from the type locality, This specimen has a history behind it being collected in 1907 and taken to Denmark. Then shipped to England during WWII for security. Fifty years later they were auctioned and then park of Dave inventory. ex David Shannon. | |
45 12hljdr ((METAURANOCIRCITE)), RADIOACTIVE, $5 MINIMUM BID, Davier Mine, Lawrence County, South Dakota, 4 x 2 x 1.5 cm, Miniature, Greenish yellow crystals of this Uranium species. ex David Shannon. | |
46 12hljdr ((MAGNESIOARFVEDSONITE)), $5 MINIMUM BID, Berkus, near Bonn, Germany, 3.5 x 2 x 1.2 cm, Miniature, Uncommon bluish black Silicate collected by Manfred Schaeffer. ex David Shannon. | |
47 12hljdr ((CLINTONITE)), $1 MINIMUM BID, Maria Mine, Milford, Utah, 2 x 1.5 x .2 cm, Thumbnail, Greenish mica species from Utah. ex David Shannon. | |
48 12hljdr ((HYDROXYLBASTNASITE Ce)), $5 MINIMUM BID, Fundulu Mill, Blantyre, Malawi, 2.5 x 1.5 x 1.5 cm, Thumbnail, uncommon Ce La Carbonate species. ex David Shannon. | |
49 12hljdr ((BRAUNITE)), $5 MINIMUM BID, Purvenir, Mexico, 3 x 2 x 1 cm, Miniature, uncommon brownish Mn Silicate species. ex David Shannon. | |
50 12hljdr ((WHITEITE)), $5 MINIMUM BID, Rapid Creek, Yukon, Canada, 1.5 x 1 x .8 cm, Thumbnail, a phosphate species, ex David Shannon. | |
51 12hljdr ((ORTHOCHAMOSITE)), $5 MINIMUM BID, Berslagin, Orebro, Sweden, 3 x 2 x 1.5 cm, Miniature, green mica like material intermixed with chamosite. ex David Shannon. | |
52 12hljdr ((2 TOBERMORITE)), $5 MINIMUM BID, Fosso Atico, Sicily, Italy, 1 and 2 cm, 2 Thumbnails, an uncommon white silicate. ex David Shannon. | |
53 12hljdr ((YITROFLUORITE)), $5 MINIMUM BID, White Cloud Pegmatite, Jefferson County, Colorado, 2.5 x 1.5 x 1 cm, Thumbnail, an uncommon Ca Y F species. ex David Shannon. | |
54 12hljdr ((COFFINITE)), RADIOACTIVE, $5 MINIMUM BID, Ambrosia Lake area, Grants, Valencia County, New Mexico, 3 x 2 x 2 cm, Thumbnail, an uncommon U Silicate species. ex David Shannon. | |
55 12hljdr ((BRONZITE)), $5 MINIMUM BID, near Bamle, Norway, 3 x 2 x 1 cm, Miniature, the ferroan variety of Enstatite. ex David Shannon. | |
12hljdr ((BERYLLONITE)), $5 MINIMUM BID, Linopolis, Minas Gerais,
Brazil, .5 and less cm, Micros, Here is many small pieces of
Beryllonite. ex Carlos Barbosa, ex David Shannon. |
57 12jklris ((MICROCLINE)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Tawara Hirukawa Mura, Gifu Prefecture, Japan, 7 x 2.5 x 2.4 cm, Cabinet, Here is a large terminated white Microcline crystal from a Japanese location. ex Jim and Hisami McNeil, ex Lanny Ream collection. | |
58 12jklris
((TOPAZ, ALBITE)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Tawara Hirukawa Mura, Gifu
Prefecture, Japan, 7 x 7 x 2.5 cm, Cabinet,
Here is a Japanese specimen with colorless Topaz crystals and white Albite.
ex Jim and Hisami McNeil, ex Lanny Ream collection. |
59 12jkjlis ((QUARTZ over HEMATITE pseudomorph after PYROXENE)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Bessemer Ridge, King County, Washington, 3.5 x 1.3 x .9 cm, Miniature, Here is an unusual pseudomorph from the North West. The pseudomorph has been studied and is believed to be Hematite after Pyroxene. This one is also covered with small terminated Quartz crystals. ex John Lindell collection. | |
60 3hhshis ((ARAGONITE)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Sioux Ajax Mine, Tintic District, Utah, 2.5 x 1.2 x 1.2 cm, Thumbnail, Here is a Tintic District specimen of white needle like crystals of Aragonite on a mound of white Calcite. | |
61 11hhjdis ((C | |
62 12jkrbg
Boulder, Washington Pass, Okanogan County, Washington, 2.3 x 2.2 x 1.7 cm,
Here is a very rare borosilicate with Y and Ce from the Type Locality and
only found in two locations in the entire world. There is a triangular
microcrystal of Okanoganite marked by the red arrow. |
63 12jkrbir
Talus, Washington Pass, Okanogan County, Washington, 2 x 1.5 x 1 cm,
Here is a very rare Ca Zr Silicate from the Type Locality. Microcrystals of
Calciohilairite marked by the red arrow. |
64 5jbdjrs
65 2250 09ldgcirs ((FLUORITE with CALCITE)), $15 MINIMUM BID, Freiberg District, Ergebirge, Saxony, Germany, 10 x 6 x 4 cm, Cabinet, Here is a light purple Fluorite with small colorless Calcite crystals. This specimen resembles the English Calcites. It is mostly undamaged except I see one corner cleaved. ex H Deisinger collection. | |
12hedwls ((CALCITE with iridescent
CHALCOPYRITE)), $25 MINIMUM BID, Sweetwater Mine, Reynolds
County, Missouri, 12 x 12 x 9 cm, Cabinet, Here is a neat
Sweetwater Calcite cluster. It is highlighted with blue and magenta
iridescent Chalcopyrite crystals scattered about the matrix around the base
of the crystals. The Calcite crystals of lustrous and undamaged.
There is a contact indent on the side of the diagonal Calcite as seen in the
photos. The smaller upright terminated Calcite has one small
termination face with a slight contact. |
5477 qqbtdrtr
((CAVANSITE)), $35 MINIMUM BID, Wagholi, Pune District,
Maharashtra, India,
7.5 x 7 x 5.3 cm, Cabinet, Here is a beautiful deep blue lustrous
Cavansite. |
7738 7ddcerr
((GOETHITE pseudomorph after SIDERITE with RUTILE)), $15 MINIMUM BID,
Hiddenite, Alexander County, North Carolina, 9 x 7.5 x 5.5
cm, Cabinet, Here is an neat pseudomorph from Hiddenite, North Carolina.
It also has twinned thick Rutile to 1.7 cm in length.
((2 ELBAITE in MUSCOVITE)), $5 MINIMUM BID, Ingersoll Mine, Pennington
County, South Dakota, 6 x 5.5 x
1 cm,2 Miniatures, Here are two specimens with green colored
Elbaite included in a sheet of Muscovite. |
70 11hhjdis ((CALCITE)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Buffalo Mine, Lion Hill area, Tooele County, Utah, 13 x 10.5 x 5 cm, Cabinet, Here is a chocolate brown lustrous stiated Calcite specimen from Lion Hill area. There is a little minor near the edges of the specimen but very minor. Overall in great shape. | |
71 05fbdjiss ((STIBNITE)), $25 MINIMUM BID, Iyo, Shikoku, Japan, 7 x 3.5 x 2.5 cm, Cabinet, Here is the holy grail of Stibnites, a Japanese specimen. It is an older specimen with a Ward's label. | |
72 5atdbrs ((WULFENITE)), FAKED, $1 MINIMUM BID, Red Cloud Mine, Arizona, 9 x 6 x 2.5 cm, Cabinet, Here is a Red Cloud matrix enhanced by the largest Red Cloud Wulfenite crystal being glued to the matrix, easy seen from the backside with a loop or optivisor. | |
7iddbns ((GYPSUM variety SELENITE)), $3
MINIMUM BID, Naica, Chihuahua, Mexico, 8.5 x 5.5 x 2.5 cm, Cabinet, Thick
single crystal of Naica Selenite.
74 2344 7ddcees034irl.ng ((CALCITE)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Santa Eulalia, Chihuahua, Mexico, 12 x 6.5 x 4 cm, Cabinet, Undamaged white opaque specimen of Calcite. | |
7idceests.is ((DIPSIDE)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Orford, Quebec,
Canada, 6 x 1 x 1
cm, Small Cabinet,
Here is a large specimen of Diopside from Orford. |
((STIBNITE)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Maramures, Romania,
6.5 x 5.5 x 3.5 cm, Miniature,
Short stubby Stibnite from Romania, ex H Deisinger.
77 ariis ((CLINOCLASE)), $5 MINIMUM BID, Majuba Hill, Pershing County, Nevada, 3 x 2 x 1 cm, Thumbnail, Copper arsenate species from Majuba. | |
((SHUISKITE, UVAROVITE)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Saranay Urals, Russia, 4 x
2 x
1.5 cm, Miniature, Here is an uncommon silicate with light violet needles on
green Uvarovite crystals. ex Dave Shannon. |
((LAIHUNITE)), $5 MINIMUM BID, Crystal Peak, El Paso County,
Colorado, 3.5 x 2 x
1.5 cm, Miniature, Here is an uncommon iron silicate. ex Dave Shannon. |
2.5 x 2.5 x 1.5 cm, Thumbnail,
Dark blackish brown Paragasite from the type locality.
81 7atcers
((STIBNITE)), $35 MINIMUM BID, Wuling Mine, Jiangxi
Province, China, 18.5 x 1 x .8 cm, Cabinet, This is an excellent choice terminated
lustrous long, 18.5 cm, undamaged crystal of Stibnite.
82 6hhdwrs ((PYROMORPHITE)), $25 MINIMUM
BID, Bad Ems District, Nassau, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany, 3 x 2.5 x
2.5 cm, Miniature, Fine hexagonal prisms of Pyromorphite from this classic
German location.
5hhwwis ((ARAGONITE on CALCITE)), $10 MINIMUM BID, Mercur Mine,
Tooele County, Utah, 4 x 3.5 x 3 cm, Thumbnail, Here is a specimen
collected many years ago, perhaps in the fiftys. Mercur was open pit
mined for its microscopic Gold 10 to 15 years ago and now has been
reclaimed. A cone shaped white Calcite mound covered by round tan
colored groups of Aragonite needle like acicular crystal clusters. |
6dhbfr ((MIMETITE with CALCITE )), $10 MINIMUM BID, Ojuela Mine,
Mapimi, Durango, Mexico, 9 x 7.5 x 6.5 cm,
Cabinet, yellow orange sphericules of Mimetite with several white
clusters of Calcite. |
((SMITHSONITE)), $5 MINIMUM BID, Monte Christo Mine, Rush, Arkansas,
2 x 1.5 x 1.3 cm, Thumbnail,
Small Botyoidal mounds of yellow Smithsonite from a classic US locality. |
((SMITHSONITE)), $5 MINIMUM BID, Monte Christo Mine, Rush, Arkansas,
2 x 1.5 x 1.3 cm, Thumbnail,
Small Botyoidal mounds of yellow Smithsonite from a classic US locality. |
((SMITHSONITE)), $5 MINIMUM BID, Monte Christo Mine, Rush, Arkansas,
2 x 1.5 x 1.3 cm, Thumbnail,
Small Botyoidal mounds of yellow Smithsonite from a classic US locality. |
((SMITHSONITE)), $5 MINIMUM BID, Monte Christo Mine, Rush, Arkansas,
2 x 1.5 x 1.3 cm, Thumbnail,
Small Botyoidal mounds of yellow Smithsonite from a classic US locality. |
((SMITHSONITE)), $5 MINIMUM BID, Monte Christo Mine, Rush, Arkansas,
2 x 1.5 x 1.3 cm, Thumbnail,
Small Botyoidal mounds of yellow Smithsonite from a classic US locality. |
((SMITHSONITE)), $5 MINIMUM BID, Monte Christo Mine, Rush, Arkansas,
2 x 1.5 x 1.3 cm, Thumbnail,
Small Botyoidal mounds of yellow Smithsonite from a classic US locality. |
63 12hljdt
((HOELITE)), $20 MINIMUM BID, Kladno, Bohemia, Czech Republic, 1.5 x 1.2 x
1.2 cm, Thumbnail, Here is an uncommon, actually rare, organic species with
yellow acicular crystals. The light must be right to photograph but
some crystals are visible in the photos. More crystals are on the
specimen. |