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 Specimen Galleries

 Brazil Minerals, $100 to $500



These are great specimens from Brazil!     April 2003
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2846) AMETHYST "FLOWER", Irai, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil - 12 x 11 cm,    $395.00   This is a top quality flower.  The color and clarity of the Amethyst is excellent.  The flower is undamaged but has a small area of contact with another flower on the bottom center of the photo on the left. The crystals are long and pristine along the perimeter.  Just below center are two mounds of gemmy Amethyst. Excellent quality flowers are scarce.  This one was hand selected from a lot out of Brazil in May of 2000.  Most flowers are cloudy and hence a much lower quality.      
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2930) AMETHYST "FLOWER", Irai, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil - 11 x 10 cm,    $395.00  SOLD This is a top quality flower.  The flower is translucent rather than transparent but it is a thick, heavy flower.  It is not cloudy as the lower quality flowers.  It is totally damage free and there are no contacted edges.  It does resemble a triad of blooms on a fall blooming cluster of chrysanthemums. Excellent quality flowers are scarce.  This one was hand selected from a lot out of Brazil in May of 2000.      
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EUC1) EUCLASE, Equador, Rio Grande Norte, Brazil - 3.5 x 3 x 2 cm,    $325.00   This is very interesting Euclase with two intergrown crystals.  It has the typical blue stripes through the white opaque crystal.  Appears to be undamaged.  
2452.jpg (49418 bytes) 2452.jpg (49418 bytes) 2452) RUTILE on HEMATITE, Ibitiara, Bahia, Brazil -  5 x 5 x 1.5  cm  - $105.00  


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2333) APATITE, Jose Pinto Mine, Minas Gerais, Brazil - 5.7 x 5 x 3.2 cm,  This is very interesting apatite.  It is a highly lustrous, dark greenish black crystal with multilevel growth on the faces.  It appears to be damage free with a contact area on the back right which does not effect the main complex crystal.  $365.00  
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2461) BERYL var. AQUAMARINE, Galileia, Minas Gerais, Brazil - 3.2 x 2.4 x 1 cm,  Light aqua blue crystal with contact on the bottom of the crystal.  Other than the contact the faces are damage free and excellent showing a complex of interesting crystal faces present.  $145.00  

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2463Bbrazilianite.jpg (61933 bytes) 2463) BRAZILIANITE, Conselheiro Pena, Minas Gerais, Brazil -  9 x 5 x 5 cm,  Here is a very large yellow-green Brazilianite crystal which was formally a Luis Leite specimen.  There are smaller Brazilianite and Quartz crystals and part of another large crystal on the back.    $275.00  
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2648) CALCITE, Irai, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil -  12 x 9 x 5.5 cm,  This is an excellent cluster of damage free Calcite.  2 calcites on the specimen edge have cleavage but the main specimen is incredibly damage free.  It is hard to find good damage free Brazilian calcite specimens because calcite easily cleaves during the collection process.  The Calcite crystals form a "Calcite Water lily".  Due to the Chlorite inclusions the cream colored Calcites have dark green highlights.  This is an excellent example of a Brazilian Calcite.   $395.00  SOLD

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2851) AMETHYST on STALACTITES, Irai, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil -  8 x 3.5 x 3.5 cm,  This is a cluster of several Quartz/Chalcedony light bluish gray stalactites.  Perched on the stalactites are several clusters of lightly Amethystine Quartz crystals.  No damage on this showy and unusual Quartz specimen  - $485.00  SOLD

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2851)   - $485.00

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2695lepidolite.jpg (83475 bytes) 2695) ORTHOCLASE with LEPIDOLITE, Minas Gerais, Brazil - 13 x 10.5 x 7 cm,  This specimen is contacted on the back and has what appears to be a natural fracture thought the center of the Orthoclase.  This does not appear to have been repaired due to the wide gap at the fracture.  The cream colored Orthoclase is double terminated and sits perfectly on a "trunk" of Lepidolite.  Smaller "limbs" of Lepidolite highlight the top face of the large Orthoclase.  $165.00  
4292azurite.jpg (177832 bytes) 4292azurite.jpg (177832 bytes) 4292) AZURITE ps MALACHITE, Seabra, Bahia, Brazil -  8 x 5 x 3 cm,   This is a very nice specimen from a find which originally showed in Denver 1997.  The ribbed azurite balls are excellent with some partially changed to malachite and others almost totally changed to malachite - $225.00  
3244tourmalinea.jpg (91476 bytes) 3244tourmalineb.jpg (98006 bytes) 3244 TOURMALINE , Pederneira Mine, Minas Gerais, Brazil -  9.5 x 1.5 x 1.3 cm single terminated xl,  excellent color and luster, repaired top 1/3 of xl  -  $1500.00 
2882anhydrite.jpg (98184 bytes) 2882anhydrite.jpg (98184 bytes) 2882) QUARTZ ps. ANHYDRITE, Irai, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil -  10 x 8 x 8 cm,  This is a great damage-free  pseudomorph with wedge-shaped blades that are cream colored to 5 cm.  - $295.00  

