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 Specimen Galleries

 Brazil Minerals, $100 to $500



These are great specimens from Brazil!     December 2003


1282cala.jpg (43654 bytes) 1282calb.jpg (41461 bytes) 1282)  CALCITE,  Irai, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil - 7 x 8 x 7 cm, This is a superb undamaged aesthetic Calcite specimen.  It has a slight pink color. The crystals are made up of stacked Calcite trigonal discs.  There are two large Calcites surrounded by many smaller Calcites.  There is no damage or dings at all.  . -  $250.00  
1447azuaa.jpg (37232 bytes) 1447azuab.jpg (114353 bytes) 2320)  AZURITE,  Seabra, Bahia, Brazil - 12 x 7 x 3 cm, This is an uncommon Brazilian Azurite comprized of Azurite spheres to 4 or 5 mm.  Most specimens are a combination with alot of Malachite pseudomorphs as below.  Also the color is more of a deep violet blue rather than the blue the pictures suggests. -  $250.00   SOLD
1447azua.jpg (36404 bytes) 1447azub.jpg (37100 bytes) 1447)  AZURITE,  MALACHITE pseudomorph after AZURITE,  Seabra, Bahia, Brazil - 9 x 5 x 3 cm, This is a Malachite/ Azurite combination.    Azurite/ Malachite specimens were not on the market until these showed up at the Denver Show in 1997.  This was one of those brought to Denver by the former Luis Leite. -  $250.00  
794quaa.jpg (18367 bytes) 794quab.jpg (14814 bytes) 794)  SMOKEY QUARTZ,  Jaboti Mine, Sao Geraldo do Baixio,  Minas Gerais, Brazil - 7 x 4 x 3 cm, This is a totally gemmy Smokey Quartz specimen.  It reminds one of the Swiss or Russian Smokeys.  It is perfect except for a 1 mm ding near the tip and a 5 mm INTERNAL bruse near the tip.  Otherwise its perfect. -  $150.00  
1283cala.jpg (27891 bytes) 1283calb.jpg (17482 bytes) 1283)  CALCITE, Irai, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil - 10 x 6 x 5 cm, This is a superb undamaged aesthetic Calcite specimen.  All the Calcites are sharp and undamaged.  Completely undamaged Calcite specimens are very uncommon and hard to find. -  $225.00  
100cala.jpg (18431 bytes) 100calb.jpg (15834 bytes) 100)  CALCITE, Irai, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil - 9 x 7.5 x 5 cm, This is a superb undamaged aesthetic Calcite specimen with 2 main crystals 8.5 cm in length.  All the Calcites are sharp and undamaged.  Completely undamaged Calcite specimens are very uncommon and hard to find. -  $325.00  
2395rhoa.jpg (31540 bytes) 2395rhoc.jpg (11103 bytes) 2395)  RHODOCHROSITE, QUARTZ, CLEVELANDITE, TOURMALINE on MUSCOVITE,  Aqua Boa, Minas Gerais, Brazil - 13 x 9 x 5 cm, This is a great combination piece.  The specimen is rich in Rhodochrosite clusters covering white Clevelandite.  There are also some Quartz crystals and some thin Tourmaline crystals on the specimen.  On the back of the specimen is Tourmaline on Muscovite which is on the Clevelandite matrix. -  $250.00  
541hema.jpg (24664 bytes) 541hemd.jpg (24559 bytes) 541)  HEMATITE,  Minas Gerais, Brazil - 6.5 x 4 x 3.5 cm, This is a lustrous Hematite crystal.  It has perpendicular sides which illustrate the pseudo cubic form for Hematite. -  $185.00  
1281cala.jpg (17992 bytes) 1281calb.jpg (16926 bytes) 1281)  CALCITE, Irai, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil - 9 x 7 x 5.5 cm, This is a superb undamaged Calcite specimen.  All the Calcites are undamaged.  It is unusual in that at first glance appears to be box shaped rather than shaped like a rhomb.   $225.00  
2385cala.jpg (80756 bytes) 2385calb.jpg (90038 bytes) 2385)  "GOETHITE SKUNK", GOETHITE on CALCITE on AMETHYST, Irai, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil - 12 x 10 x 9 cm, Calcite is 5 x 5 x 5 cm.  Calcite "Skunks" usually occur with Amethyst and/or Goethite running up 3 sides or edges of a Calcite crystal and are found in Brazil and Uruguay at the Amethyst locations.  They are rare and much sought after.  The classic examples are in the Rock Currier collection and were displayed at the East Coast Show in West Springfield, Massachusetts in August of 2003.  These are almost never seen for sale.  Amethyst Skunks are the most sought after and very pricey.  This is a bargain for the price and the Calcite has absolutely no damage.   -  $300.00  
2385calf.jpg (20297 bytes) 2385cald.jpg (63073 bytes) 2385)  "GOETHITE SKUNK", GOETHITE on CALCITE on AMETHYST, Irai, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil - 12 x 10 x 9 cm, Calcite is 5 x 5 x 5 cm.  see above

